Minggu, 22 Juni 2014

Useful Tips on Using Evernote to Improve Visual Thinking

June 22, 2014
Evernote is a great tool for capturing and organizing your notes. Evernote supports all types of notes including, text, image, video and audio notes. To better tap into the full potential of Evernote, you need to use the Evernote Web clipper. This is an extension that , once installed on your browser, will allow you to bookmark and save anything you come across online  to your Evernote notebook. From within this notebook, you can then organize your notes using tags and keywords or edit and add to them.

I am pretty sure the majority of you are or have already used Evernote for note taking but what about using it to improve your visual thinking? Well I never thought about it either till I stumbled upon this wonderful video tutorial from Sacha in which she provides some very useful tips on how to use Evernote to think visually. The tutorial is only 16 minutes long but is definitely a must watch. I am also attaching an illustrative visual (sketchnote) created by Sacha that sums the core ideas behind using Evernote for visual thinking.

Evernote for visual thinking

How to use Evernote to improve your visual thinking

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