Jumat, 13 Juni 2014

A Must See Chart on SAMR Model and iPad Teaching

June 13, 2014
Technology integration in instruction is a process that starts with setting out clearly defined objectives and ends with assessing learning outcomes against these objectives, and all along the way several tools and strategies are employed to attend to the overall performance of this process. Hence, the first question teachers need to ponder when thinking about using technology in class is not what kind of technology to use but what do they want to achieve behind using this technology? On a deeper level, they need to find answers to questions such as: Does this technology constitute a a good addition to the learning task ?  Can the same learning task be performed without using technology? These and several other questions  should come to the forefront when you start planning a technology-based learning activity.

Deciding on the objectives and the 'whys' behind integrating technology in your instruction is only the first step, the  second step is where you think about the 'hows' of your usage of  this technology. In other words, you need to provide sound pedagogical answers to make solid arguments for the choices of the technology you will be using in your class. In this regard, three useful approaches come to the surface: these are  TPACK, SAMR model, and Maslow model. All of these approaches provide teachers with pedagogical underpinnings to ground their tech decisions. They also act as a roadmap that guide tech practices in the learning/teaching operation. Here is a guide to help you  understand what each of these approaches is about and how it can be used in class , read this guide

In today's post the focus is on using SAMR model to guide your iPad use in class. To this end , I am sharing with you this wonderful illustrative chart I stumbled upon on Apps A Daisy blog. The chart outlines the four stages of the SAMR model and provides apps related to each of these stages together with examples of how each of these can be used to enact the ethos of that stage.  As a teacher, you can use the ideas in this chart to help you design your own teaching tasks using SAMR model and iPad. Enjoy

Source: Apps A Daisy

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