Rabu, 04 Juni 2014

3 Smart Ways to Share Web Content and Playlists with Students

June 5 , 2014
Searching the web can be a daunting and time consuming task particularly for the less search savvy students. Needless to mention the proliferation of junk information and amateur knowledge that can  deceptively lure students into using it as a source in their learning projects. Therefore, a teacher curated content can be a great way to ensure that students have access to quality web content relevant to what they study in class.

There are several ways to create a curated content for your students. You can use a classroom blog or wiki to post links to online resources you deem important for them, you can also share links with students using social networking websites such  Twitter or Google Plus. But if you want a place where you can share aggregated collections of links, the three tools below are probably what you are looking for.

You can use these tools to create accounts for your class where you can aggregate, sort, organize, and share web content with your students. All of these tools are free and very easy to use.

1- Diigo
Diigo is a social bookmarking web tool that allows users to bookmark, annotate, store, organize and share web content with others. Using Diigo enables you to create your own personal library in the cloud comprising links, pages, notes, and pictures.

As a teacher, you can use Diigo to bookmark links you want to share with your students. You can even highlight paragraphs in webpages and add sticky notes and comments on any section of the page. The "My Group" feature in Diigo is ideal to use with your class. You can, for instance, create a Diigo group for your class and invite students to join and start collaboratively adding links and web resources to it. You can customize the visibility setting of your group so that only your students can see it.

2- Listly
Listly is another great web tool to use to aggregate, organize an share web links with your students. Listly links can be shared with others using a generated URL or through an HTML code to be embedded in a blog or website. To create a Listly list, head over to Listly's homepage and create a free account. When you are logged in, click on "New List" and type in the name of your list, its description then click "make list". Using Listly bookmarklet or Chrome extensions, you will be able to easily add links of webpages you stumble upon online.

You can create a Listly list for your class where you compile and sort links to web content relevant to what they are studying and share the URL of the list with students  to access the links.

1- Minilogs
Logs are collections of links to your favourite videos, sounds, or photos. Using these links you will be able to create  different playlists.You can use Minilogs Chrome extension to easily save and share your favourite pages, videos and photos. Similarly, Minilogs offers a bookmarklet that you can add to your bookmarks bar.

To create a log of your favourite links. Head over to Minilogs main page and register. Registration is free, you can also sign in using your Facebook or Twitter account. Once you are signed in, click on the "+New log" button to create your log. Type in a title and description for your log. Next paste the link of the website you want to add, you can also  add multiple links to your log by uploading a list of URLs. Once the log is ready, use the sharing options provided there to share it with your students.

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