Senin, 30 Juni 2014

Awesome Visual Featuring 18 Tips to Raise Independent Learners

July 1, 2014
Teaching kids and students how to be independent learners is essential for preparing them for the future. Independent learning is a learning that has no boundaries, one in which the learners adapt their time and effort to learn new insights using a wide range of techniques. Some of these techniques are captured in this awesome visual I learned about from Sean Junkins. Have a look and share with us what you think of them.
  • Take the lead
  • Question the questions. Is there another way to look at it.
  • Do your research
  • Take a risk
  • Look for inspiration
  • Make use of existing resources, books, magazines, displays etc
  • Ask a friend
  • Take your time to reflect
  • Sketch it out
  • Have a go
  • Try again
  • Ask for feedback
  • Own your learning
  • Embrace some mistakes
  • Plan ahead
  • Teach the teacher
  • Help, support and advise your peers
  • Online tutorial

independent learning
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