Selasa, 17 Juni 2014

3 Good Resources for History Teachers

June 18, 2014
Below are three good websites for history teachers. These websites provide a range of resources and materials related to history teaching. Check out this post for more similar web resources for teaching history.

1- School History

School History is a website that provides a wide variety of teaching materials for history teachers.These materials are arranged into different categories such as online history lessons, interactivities, interactive games, and interactive quizzes. This site also provides over 600 free downloadable worksheets and PowerPoint presentations. There is also a History Help Forum where teachers post tips an pieces of advice on everything related to the teaching of history.

2- History on The Net

History On The Net is a website that provides free resources and materials for history teachers.These resources cover a range of historical topics  such as : Ancient History, Middle Ages, American History, and General History. It also features online lessons and worksheets, games, and history references.

3- History Mad

History Mad is a cool site that features easily accessible history materials for teachers.Teachers can browse the different topics displayed in the homepage and each topic incorporates numerous resources related to it. I have spent some time browsing through the different sections of this website and I found it really worth sharing here.

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