Senin, 09 Juni 2014

Teacher's Visual Guide to Creating Twitter Lists

June 10, 2014
A Twitter list is a curated group of Twitter users and a great way to organize your interests. You can use them to categorize and organize tweets into different categories relevant to the information you are seeking. You can for instance create a list about educational technology and add to it Edtech tweeters you follow. In this way , you will have a pool of resources aggregated in a single page to access anytime you want. You can create your own lists or subscribe to lists created by others. Viewing a list timeline will show you a stream of Tweets from only the users on that list.

Here is how to create your own Twitter list:

1- Head over to your Twitter homepage and click on the "gear" button on the top right and select "lists"

2- Click on " Create new list"

3- Type in a name and description to your list. You can also choose whether you want to make your list public or private.

4- Use Twitter search to add people to your list. You can search for Tweeters using their usernames, first or last name. You can also add people from your following page.

Another way to add people is through their profile page.On the profile page of the Tweeter you want to add to your list, click on " add or remove from lists".

To subscribe to/follow other people's lists:
  • Click on Lists when viewing someone's profile.
  • Select which list you'd like to subscribe to.
  • From the list page, click Subscribe to follow the list. You can follow lists without following the individual users in that list.
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