Jumat, 20 Juni 2014

Infographic: The Evolution of Gamification

June 20, 2014
Below is an interesting visual on the evolution of gamification I want you to have a look at but before that let me share with this short explanation of the difference between gamification and games. According to Sean, gamification is not necessarily a game. A game is something that you can lose at. Games are also inherently and intrinsically rewarding( examples include, chess , role playing games..etc) there are also extrinsic rewards that are offered through games as well. Gamification is a little bit different. gamification role is to find these intrinsic rewards in an activity and also offer you those extrinsic rewards for doing the.

Gamification is the application of game principles to something that is not necessarily a game and this should not be confused with serious games. The goal of serious games is to train or teach somebody something.

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