Selasa, 17 Juni 2014

New Wonderful Twitter Guide for Teachers and Educators

June 18, 2014
As I have repeatedly stated in several instances here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning, online social networking remains one of the powerful routes to any effective and sustained teacher professional development plans. Social networks open up a whole new horizon of promising opportunities for on-the-go and at-any-time learning. One of the preeminent social networking site in this regard is the microblogging platform Twitter.

The power of Twitter resides in the kind of connections and networks it allows you to make.Twitter is by far the social networking platform that teachers and educators populate the most. As such, creating a personal/professional learning network comprising kindred others is as easy as participating in the weekly educational chats organized on Twitter (#edchat as an example). These meet-ups enable you  to meet and connect with teachers from all around the globe. They also introduce you to a treasure trove of information, resources, links, tips, and learning experiences that can be leveraged for your own purposes.

Using Twitter to grow professionally is a theme I have extensively talked about in previous posts ( see this post or this one ). However, today I am sharing with you a wonderful infographic featuring important tips, terms and tools to help teachers tap into the expansive potential of Twitter. I invite you to have a look and share with your colleagues.

This visual is created by UKEdChat. You can check the online version of this visual HERE.

Twitter guide for teachers  Follow us on : Twitter, Facebook , Google plus, Pinterest .

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