Rabu, 11 Juni 2014

A Wonderful TED Ed Video Lesson for Music Teachers

June ,11 2014
Here is a great video lesson from TED Ed  for music teachers . This video, created by Tim Hansen, explains through beautiful illustrations the foundational music notations. Understanding these notations will enable students to read any piece of music they come across. I have watched this video over four times and I am seriously thinking to get me a piano and start learning how to play on it.
As is the case with TED Ed videos, this video is accompanied with a set of questions to check for your students comprehension. You can customize these questions as you like.

Below are some of the things I learned from this video:

Music is written on 5 parallel lines that go across the page. These five lines are called a staff. A staff operates on two axis: up and down, and left to right. The up-down axis tell the performer  the pitch of the note or what note to play. The left-to-right  axis tells the performer the rhythm of the note or when to play it.

Pitches are named after the first seven letters of the alphabet: A,B, C, D, E, F.
 Every line in the staff and every space between these lines represent a separate pitch
If you put a note on that line or in those spaces, you are telling the performer to play that pitch. The higher up on the staff the note is placed the higher the pitch.

Clef is a figure used at the very beginning of the staff and it acts like a reference point telling you that a particular line or space corresponds to a specific note on your instrument.

Watch the TED Ed video below  to learn more about how each of these musical notations work in unison to create beautiful pieces of music.

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