Sabtu, 21 Juni 2014

5 Time-saving Gmail Tips for Teachers

June 21, 2014
I spent the whole day today catching up with the piles of emails I have in my inbox and I still did not reach inbox zero. However, while working on my Gmail, it dawned on me to share with you some useful tips I am using on my Gmail and which can make your emailing experience way better.These tips are features provided by Gmail team. All of features can be accessed from the setting button on the top right side :

1- Undo sent messages
If you have hit the "send" button too soon or by mistake then the "undo Send" feature allows you to stop messages from being sent for a few seconds after hitting the send button. You can set a cancellation period from 5 to 30 seconds.
Here is how to activate "Undo Send". Click on settings, then on Labs and tick the "enable" box in front of "Undo Send"

To set a time limit for your cancellation message. Click on settings again and then on " general" then select the the timing you want as is shown in the screenshot below.

2- Image display in emails
Gmail automatically shows you the images in your messages. If you have a slow Internet connection or limited mobile data, you may want to change your setting so that Gmail asks you before showing images. This is how to do it.

Click on settings, then "general" then select one of the options in front of "images".

3- Change the font of the text of your email
Gmail provides you a variety of text styles to apply to your emails. To change or select the text style you want: click on "General" tab and select a stye from the "default txt style". Here is how to do it.

Click on "general" then scroll down to "default text style" and customize the text style.

4- Create contacts for auto-complete
This feature when enabled adds any new person you send a message to to your Other Contact list. Next time you want to send in an email to that person, just type in the first letter of his/her name and Gmail will auto-complete the full email address. Here is how to do it

Click on " settings" then on "general" and scroll down to " create contacts for auto-complete" as shown below.

5- Add a signature to your emails
If you want to give a professional look to your emails, you probably need to add a snippet of text at the end of your email stating who you are, your blog or website, your social media profiles…etc.

Click on " settings" then on "general" and scroll down to "signature" and add your text

6- Send automated replies when you are on off computer
If you go on vacation for a few days and you know you would not have ay Internet access to check your emails and answer them, the " Vacation Responder" is a great feature to use. Activating this feature allows you to type in a few lines that will be automatically sent to whoever emails you. You can set this auto-response system to work only on a particular period of time. Here is how to do it.

Click on " settings" then on "general" and scroll down to "Vacation responder".

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