Rabu, 11 Juni 2014

New: Google Launched Google Educator Groups (Great Learning Platform for Teachers)

June 11, 2014
Google Educator Groups (GEGs) is a new project launched by Google yesterday.This project aims at bringing the benefits of technology to schools, classrooms and communities across the world through the collaborative work of a community of passionate educators. GEGs is a place where educators, principals, school administrators, professors, teachers, students, and anyone else interested in using Google Products to help people learn , get to meet and collaborate with each other .

Google Educators Groups allows participants to "to pick up new creative ideas from one another, and to help each other best meet the needs of their students with Google solutions. GEG activities take place both online and offline. Online GEGs provide a space for educators to discuss together and learn about one another through Google+; offline, locally run events and workshops are a way to learn and share face to face."

It’s easy to get involved in GEG. Locate a GEG near you on this map . Click a group name to learn more and get involved. Start following the group on Google+ for updates and attend the next GEG event just by showing up. All the events are free.

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