Senin, 21 April 2014

This is How to Use Google Docs to Create Backchannels and Exit Tickets

April , 2014
Over the last couple of weeks I shared a plethora of web tools that teachers can use to create backchannels in class. I have also talked about 10 ways to employ backchanneling in  classroom instruction. In today's post, I am introducing you to a novel way to create backchannels or exit ticket by using only Google Docs. The screencast created by Langwitches shows you how you can use " Google Docs as a backchannel or exit ticket during a presentation, lesson or workshop".

Here are some of the notes I grabbed from this video:

What is a backchannel ?
According to Langwitches, a backchannel is kind of parallel discussion, a collectively shaped comment on some ongoing conversations. Think of it as a digital brother of passing notes in class  except that these notes are open and transparent for everyone to see.

What is an Exit ticket?
An exit ticket strategy can help participants process new concepts, reflect on  information learned and express their thoughts about new information.

Goals of exit ticket are:

  • Time for reflection
  • Share what kind of support is needed
  • Process of collaborative writing and power of sharing
  • Give the facilitator or coach a point of reference of what was covered and what was heard?
  • Give the coach concrete jump of point for differentiated support
  • Participants will have the chance to see the takeaways of their colleagues, their strengths, weakness and possible collaboration opportunities.

Here is how to create a backchannel or exit ticket using Google docs:

  • Create a new doc
  • Share the doc with participants via email or embedded link
  • Allow participants editing rights

Watch this video to learn how to use Google Docs to create a backchannel or exit ticket

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