Jumat, 25 April 2014

11 Ways to Help You Focus

April , 2014
Here is a cool visual I came across today which features some interesting tips to help you focus. From the 11 tips mentioned here the ones I find myself lacking are number 6 " clear your desk completely" and number 7" Put on headphones", I definitely can not concentrate with music playing.
Below is a round-up of the 11 tips to help you stay focused. Have a look and let us know what you think of them.
  • Keep food on your desk. Glucose help your brain focus.
  • Turn off the phone. Most phone calls are not urgent.
  • Get a good chair. There is a reason- bosses don’t seat on cheap chairs.
  • Time yourself and see how much you did in 1 hour.
  • Shut off everything that you are not really using.
  • Clear your desk completely.
  • Put on headphones. Classical music or no music is best for focusing.
  • Make a list. Make it short.
  • Reward yourself. If you get focused, be proud of yourself.
  • Frame a picture of your goal. And look at it every morning before work.
  • Bring your pet with you. They help you focus

Via: fundersandfounders.com

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