Kamis, 10 April 2014

A Handful of Great Apps for literacy Education

April 11, 2014
Reading and writing is a core skill that pervades all other school subjects. With the focus we see on STEM-related products, it is good to see so many emerging products with their sights on literacy too. Here are a handful of notable tools for literacy education.

A collection of web-based writing tools for K-12 students. Curated by Lisha Vuskovich.
 A collection of useful apps to support literacy. Curated by primary school principal Andrew Earnshaw.

A comprehensive Common Core-aligned reading program for students ages 3-6.
 Students read out loud into a microphone and this web-based service analyzes words correct per minute and percentage accuracy.
 Record audio comments onto specific passages of your students' essays to provide high-quality feedback.
 A six-week online penpal program that builds literacy through writing about current events and real-world issues.
 Expand your PLN and get informal professional development with this teacher-created social network for English teachers.

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