Selasa, 22 April 2014

5 Skills to Help You Start Your Online Personal Teaching Network

April 23, 2014
Over the last decade the educational landscape has witnessed some landsliding changes thanks to the massive uptake of digital technology and broadband access. Even those core notions related to the role of the teacher and student in the learning/ teaching equation ,which have been intact for years and years, have been revolutionized. In this context, new opportunities and possibilities have opened up for teachers to take the lead in online teaching. Professor Bernard Bull from Life in Digital World has created this chart featuring the important elements that can help teachers build personal online teaching networks. Bernard's work is new to me and as I went through it  I found it really interesting and worth sharing with you here.

I invite you to have a look and share with us what you think of Bernad chart.

Here are the skills you need to start your online personal teaching network as featured in the chart below.

1- Teach and mentor

  • Create YouTube video tutorials
  • Answer questions in online communities
  • Lead webinars
  • Present at a virtual conference
  • Provide virtual consulting or coaching
  • Teach an online course.

2- Create and Share

  • Create infographics
  • Create and share learning aids
  • Create and share templates and guides
  • Create digital stories
  • Create and share lessons and curricula
  • Create tutorials

3- Collect and curate

  • Tweet resources
  • Blog 'top lists'
  • Share Diigo links
  • Create thematic YouTube playlists
  • Curate sources on Scoopit or Storify
  • Create and share annotated bibliographies
4- Host and help

  • Host a Google Hangout
  • Start or help lead a Google Group
  • Start a LinkedIn group
  • Volunteer for an online conference
  • Host a regular Twitter chat
  • Host a regular podcast.

5- Write and Publish

  • Comment on blogs and online articles
  • Create a blog and write regularly
  • Guest blog
  • Online freelance writing
  • Write an ebook
  • Submit for open journals.

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