Senin, 07 April 2014

Excellent Checklist for Evaluating Information Sources

April 8, 2014
Digital literacy, as a set of skills that students need to develop and master in order to properly use digital technologies , is an essential component of the 21st century education. Being digitally literate should not be confused with being comfortable  using certain types of digital media such as  social media. And as Danah Boyd argued in her book "Understanding The Social Lives of Networked Teens" teenagers know how how to use Facebook, but their understanding of the site’s privacy settings did not mesh with the ways in which they configured their accounts.They know how to get to Google but had little understanding about how to construct a query to get quality information from the popular search engine.

Along with learning how to conduct effective online searches comes the the second most important skill which is that of evaluating and assessing the validity of information found online.  One of the versatile tools teachers can use to teach students about web content evaluation is called CRAAP . The acronym CRAAP stands for Currency, Relevance, Authority, and Purpose. CRAAP is a test developed by the University of California at Chico to help students evaluate web content ( and any other content) based on those four dimensions. Below is a public domain document, a checklist, that teachers and  students can use to evaluate web content. Click here to download it.

I learned about this wonderful document from an article I have recently read entitled: "How to Infuse Digital Literacy Throughout The Curriculum"

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