Jumat, 11 April 2014

Excellent Guides To Help Students Make Appropriate Citations and Bibliographies

April 12, 2014
 EasyBib helps educators provide students with the tools they need to do credible and ethical research, while allowing them to track student progress and understanding before they hand in their final paper. EasyBib has also been recently integrated into Google Docs allowing  students to easily and properly cite their resources with one single click.

Image source:http://goo.gl/kVA6Rd

Today, as I was browsing through EasyBib's most frequently asked questions I came across some really interesting tips to help teachers and students with the citing of their sources and bibliographies. From citing a tweet to how to evaluate websites, these resources cover almost everything students need for developing their citation skills. Check them out below

How Do I Cite a/an…

Bibliography & Citation Questions

Website Evaluation

EasyBib Add-Ons & Apps

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