Minggu, 13 April 2014

A Great Tool to Help Students Appropriately Attribute Flickr Images

April , 2014
Flickr CC Attribution Helper is a great tool that students can use to accurately format the attribution of Creative Commons Licensed images found on Flickr. With this handy app installed on their bookmarks bar, students will be able to properly attribute Flickr creative commons photos with a single cut and paste. Another good thing about Flickr CC Attribution Helper is that it shows users whether a picture is licensed under a Creative Commons or not.

Here is how you can use Flickr CC Attribution:

First make sure the bookmark bar is displayed in your Chrome browser if not then head over to your Chrome's setting , click on bookmark and select " show bookmarks bar".

Now go to this page and drag the Flickr CC Attribution to your bookmark bar as is shown as is shown in this screenshot.

No when you are viewing an image on Flickr, click on the bookmarklet you installed and a pop-up window will show up featuring both the attribution HTML and text as shown below.

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