Selasa, 22 April 2014

Teachers' Comprehensive Guide to Using ClassDojo for Classroom Management

April 23, 2014
ClassDojo is a classroom tool that helps teachers save time, boost classroom engagement, and improve student behavior quickly and easily, with no painful data entry. ClassDojo also lets you communicate
student progress with parents and students. Best of all, it’s completely free.

Here is a list of some excellent features ClassDojo offers to its users. Click here for a downloadable PDF documents of these features.

1- Behavior management finally made positive
  •  Award feedback points for specific behaviors, learning habits, and accomplishments in class.
  •  Everything is logged in realtime and organized for you
2- See full classroom engagement in minutes
  •  All of the avatars, behaviors, and other visuals are  pre-loaded for you so you can hit the ground running
  • Customization takes seconds. ClassDojo works with every teaching style.
3- Get beautiful, hassle-free behavior reports

  • Track behavior and class trends - with just one click! 
  • No more having to interrupt the flow of class
  • Gain valuable insights with ClassDojo TrendSpotter.
4- Let students track their own progress
  • Let students reflect on their in-class performance with their student accounts
  • Build positive learning habits that last a lifetime .
5- Send reports to parents with one click

  • Break down the barriers between the classroom and home
  •  Get parents informed and on your side quickly and easily
6- Track points with any Android or iOS device
  • Award points on the go, wherever you are: in class, in the hallway, on a field trip, or anywhere else!
  •  No more lugging clipboards around or taking time out 
  • of class.

7- Join a community of teachers like you

 Hundreds of thousands of educators like you use  ClassDojo every day. Discover how they use ClassDojo to improve their teaching and save time.

Here is a step by step guide to help you set up you class in ClassDojo and get you started managing it.

1- Head over to ClassDojo and click on " Add a new class"

2- Select an icon for your class, choose the grade and subject you teach, name your class then click on next.

3- Add your students names. You can either type their names with each name in one line or if you have already a saved list  of your students names you can copy and paste it as is shown in the screenshot below.

4-Now we come to the behaviours section where we can customize the behaviours we want to award or take points for. By default ClassDojo has two set of behaviour categories: 'Positive' and 'Need Work, each of these categories is associated with a set of behaviours that define it. You can add or delete behaviours. for instance if you want to reward your student for a specific behaviour you can just add it under positive and the same with Need Work.

5- Class Dojo automatically generates downloadable PDF document with codes that parents and students can use to access your class. Each student is assigned with a code. Parents need to sign in the sheet and send it back to you. Here is an example of how it looks like:

6- Here is how your class looks on ClassDojo, to start using it click on "start class"

7- To add a reward or a negative behaviour to a student, just click on his/her name and choose from the relevant behaviour you want to add.

8- Positive behaviours are marked with a green circle with the number 1 inside. Negative behaviours are indexed by a red circle with the number minus one inside.

9- You can award several students at once  by clicking  on " Award multiple students"

10- You can also record students attendance by clicking on " record attendance"

11- ClassDojo has a timer that  you can use with your students

12- At any time you can change the settings of your class by clicking on "display settings". You can for instance customize the size of avatars, order students names, select whether to show award notifications or not...etc.

13- When you click on" end class" it brings you immediately to a section where you get an overview of how each student performed that day.

14- You can click on any student's name and you will be able to see his or her overall performance. You can also add more comments on his /her profile and print it out.

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