Selasa, 22 April 2014

A Great Student Rubric for Reviewing Apps

April 23, 2014
To help her students understand and be able to analyze the apps they come across online, Mutt Susan from Digital Divide and Conquer has created this wonderful rubric. The Student App Review Rubric,  features five sections ( or criteria) that students can grade when assessing an app. Each of these criteria can be graded with a numerical number from 0 to 4 with 4 as the top grade.

The five criteria included in this rubric are :

  • Looks and sound
  • Engagement and motivation
  • User friendly directions and instructions
  • Performance and ease of use
  • Differentiation in learning.

In this way a great app is one that gets a score ranging between 20-17, a good one between 16-13, an average 12-10, Needs work 9-6, and a bad app get a score of 5-0.

The rubric is available for free as a Google document that you can print and use with your kids. It is also available for free download from Mutt's Teachers Pay Teachers store.

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