Senin, 19 Mei 2014

The Best Web Tools and Activities for End of School Year

May 20, 2014
There are a wide variety of activities you can use with your students to wrap up the school year. In today's post I am sharing with you 4 ideas you can apply in your classroom. I have also included web tools and apps to help you carry them out. The strength of these activities lies in the fact  that they enable students to exercise a combination of skills they have developed throughout the year. Students will have the opportunity to employ their writing skills in tandem with other digital skills to create artefacts, digital portfolios, memory books, and scrapbooks to document their learning and share their best learning experiences with others.

1- Make a poster about your school year

One of the great ways to wrap up your school year  is through getting students to create posters to highlight the major memories and happenings during the whole year. They can include pictures, hyperlinks, and images. Some of the tools you can use for this purpose are:
2-  Creating Scrapbooks
Scrapbooking is another good way to  end the school year. Share with your students the tools below and have them use their laptops or iPad to create scrapbooks. Using their writing skills , students can combine a wide variety of multimedia materials such as text. clip art,  and images to create a story of their memories. When the scrapbooks are ready, students share them with their classmates and peer-comment on each others' work.

3- Creating  Digital portfolios
Creating digital portfolios is a good way for students to document and showcase their best achievement during the entire school year. Some of the best web tools they can use include:

4- Creating Memory books
Instead of the pen and paper version of memory books we used to create when we were students, technology now affords a wide variety of possibilities to create awesome memory books stored in the cloud and accessible anywhere anytime. Some of the best tools I recommend for this is :

5- Creating Autobiographies
There are different ways for students to create autobiographies. They can do it through a write-up using tools such as Google Docs but the way I have been using it with my students in the past is through inviting them to create video clips ( sometimes with text integrated) to tell others who they are, what they have learned, places they have visited...etc. Some of the tools I would recommend for this purpose include:

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