Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

Teacher's Visual Guide on Giving Audio Feedback to Students on Google Drive

May 28, 2014
One of the best tools teachers can use to give both audio and textual feedback on students Google documents is called Kaizena. I have featured this tool in several posts in the past and today I am sharing with you this simple step by step guide to show you how you can actually use kaizena to provide feedback on students documents that have been created through Google Docs. I am also featuring three important updates Kaizena has added recently which are : sending feedback through a link, organizing documents that have received feedback into boxes, and  generating a unique URL that students can use to request feedback on their Google docs.

There are actually two ways to use Kaizena:

1- The First Way
The first way is to download the Kaizena app from Google Drive store and integrate it into your Drive. To do this, head over to your Google Docs and click on "add-ons" then "get add-ons".

Next search for Kaizena and install it

Once installed , open the Google document you want to add feedback to then click on add-ons and select " kaizena shortcut" to open this document in Kaizena.

Check out steps from number 4 down to learn how to add feedback to docs.

2- Second way

The second way is to go to Kaizena and sign in with your google Account.

2- Grant Access to Kaizena app to access your Google Drive
3-Choose a file from your drive and click on "select
4- After the document is downloaded , you can highlight any bock of text to do the following:

  • Add a textual comment
  • Add an audio comment
  • Add a resource which is a link that your provide for students to check.


1-  Sending feedback through a link

Teachers now can record their audio or textual feedback on a Google document and send it to students through a generated link that will appear in the comment section in the original Google document. This is how to do.

Open the Google doc you want to work on. in your Kaizena.  Highlight the parts of text and add your feedback (just as we did in the previous step). When done click on the button on the left that says "post link in Gdoc".

Now when  students open that document on their Google Drive, they can access the audio feedback you recorded by clicking on the comment section.

2- Organizing documents that have received feedback into boxes
Kaizena added another wonderful organizational feature that allows you to create boxes to organize the documents you added your feedback to. You can import documents and folders from your Drive and sort them into different boxes. You can also create boxes for each student's assignments.

3- generatea unique URL that students can use to request feedback on their Google docs.
Students or peers can now send documents directly to your" Boxes" through your Kaizena Page.When you create your Kaizena account, Kaizen provides you with a unique URL that will be displayed on the top of your homepage. Using this URL students will be able to request feedback from you via uploading their documents into the boxes you create. Here is how the URL look like:

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