Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

A Wonderful Google Tip to Help Students Search for Materials Appropriate to Their Reading Levels

May 29, 2014
Today I want to share with you a quick Google search tip that many of our students overlook and which can help them a lot in the enhancement of their reading skills. This tip is about refining search queries using the reading level.

As you know, the strength of Google as a search engine lies in its advanced search  features that provide users with a wide variety of options to help them hone in their search queries and get better search results. These features include filtering searches using specific domaine names, geographic locations, usage rights, update time, and reading level .

 Refining searches using reading level is a great way for students to locate reading materials that align with their reading competencies. Google offers  three reading levels that students can use to sort their reading materials: basic reading level, intermediate reading level, and advanced reading level. Next time your students make a search query on Google, make sure they use the reading level appropriate to their reading abilities.

Here is how to refine searches using reading level.

Head over to Google homepage and type in your search query. Next click on "search tools"

Then click on " all results" and select reading level

The three reading levels will be displayed on the top section of the search result page. Each of these reading levels will show a percentage of the reading materials relevant to your search query. Clicking on any of these reading levels will return results with materials appropriate for that  reading level.

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