Sabtu, 24 Mei 2014

An Excellent Interactive Whiteboard for Creating Tutorials for Your Students

May , 2014
Pixiclip is an excellent free web tool that provides users with a canvas where they can draw, sketch, narrate, and record their creations. This is an ideal whiteboard tool that you can use with your students to record explanations of processes or to create tutorials for flipped classroom materials.

This interactive whiteboard allows you to upload images, draw sketches, add text, and record your voice. Pixiclip does not require you to have an account to use it but for you to save and later edit your creations you will need to register for free.

Here is how you can use Pixiclip to create a tutorial :

1- Click on "create a Pixiclip"

2- Click record as shown here

2- Use the tools to doodle on the canvas. These tools include a pencil, marker, and a text. You can choose the colour your like from the colour palette on the left.

3- If you have an image in your computer that you want to mark up or write on, click on "upload image" button to upload it to your Pixiclip canvas or drag and drop it there.

4- You can also add voice and video clips using the buttons below

5- When you finish creating your tutorial, you can save and share it with others.

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