Minggu, 11 Mei 2014

3D Printing Explained for Teachers

May 12, 2014
3D printing is a new technology that is radically transforming the printing technology. Basically, 3D printing is  a technology that allows users to turn any digital file into a three dimensional physical product. Of course the concept is a little bit hard to grasp without an audio-visual illustration. To this end, I am sharing with you these two videos that shed more light on what 3D is all about and the different ways it operates. But before that let us discover some of the ways 3D printing could benefit education.

How beneficial 3D printing is in education ?
Yes schools are still in the early stage of adoption of this innovative technology, but the exciting thing is yet to come. 3D printing provides several features that can revolutionize education. Here are some of them :
  • It provides teachers with 3 dimensional visual aids that they can use in their classroom particularly in illustrating a hard to grasp concept
  • 3D printers make it easy for teachers to seize the interest of their students compared to just showing the pictorial representations of objects.
  • It enhances hands-on learning and learning by doing. Using this prototyping technology, students will be able to produce realistic 3 dimensional mini-models . ( great for engineering, architecture, and multi-media arts students ).
  • It provides more room for interactive class activities. In biology, for instance, teachers can create a 3D model of the human heart, head. skeleten...etc to teach students about the human body.
1- What is 3D Printing and how it operates ?

3- Will 3D Printing change the world

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