Minggu, 04 Mei 2014

Teacher's Guide to Twitter Lingo

May , 2014
Twitter is one of the most popular micro-blogging platform online with over 250 million monthly active users, 198 million of which were monthly active mobile users as well (these are the most recent stats published in Twitter report a few days ago ). Brevity, which is Twitter's underlying policy, is most likely  behind the sweeping popularity of this service among brands and social media users. The 140 characters rule seems to receive much acclaim from Tweeps ( people using twitter) and as such the need to comply with this rule without compromising the communicative core of Twitter messages drive users to design a set of linguistic conventions in the form of abbreviations that carry out much of this communication.

As a teacher, I find myself drawing a lot on the power of Twitter for my professional development and I know several of you are doing the same. Whether you want to effectively communicate with your Twitter PLN, take part in a hashtag discussion, or simply lurk around, the guide below will definitely help you make the best from Twitter. This visual, created by our colleagues in Teachthought, features some of the most popular abbreviations employed by Twitter users, Have a look and as always share with us what you think of this work. Enjoy

twitter abbreviations

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