Selasa, 20 Mei 2014

The 8 Pillars of Digital Literacies

May 21, 2014
Edudemic has recently published this wonderful visual that outlines the eight elements of digital literacy. I am posting below for those of you who haven't seen it yet.

Essential Elements of Digital Literacy
  • Cultural – Look at the context in which the literacy is situated
  • Cognitive – How do we think when we are using a device (vs when we are not)?
  • Constructive – We should aim to use technology in a constructive (vs a passive) way
  • Communicative – We should be using technology to enhance our communications
  • Confident – You need to be confident to jump in feet first and explore/use/master/learn technology
  • Creative – Using technology in the classroom requires some creativity and risk taking – don’t stick to the basics when you can test out a new idea or use for technology
  • Critical – You need the ability to look at the technologies you’re using (and what you’re using them for) with a critical eye
  • Civic- We should be using the technologies available to us for greater good (which can be widely defined)

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