Rabu, 03 September 2014

Two iPad Google Apps Few Know About Them

September 3, 2014
Below are two Google Apps that several of us overlook. These apps are ideal for managing your Google account and keeping it secure. They are also free and work seamlessly through different devices. All you have to do is configure them properly as instructed and connect them to your Google account and there you go.

1- Google Authenticator

Google Authenticator works with 2-Step Verification for your Google Account to provide an additional layer of security when signing in. With 2-Step Verification, signing into your account will require both your password and a verification code you can generate with this app. Once configured, you can get verification codes without the need of a network or cellular connection.
2- Google Admin

Google Admin lets you take care of the most common tasks from anywhere you are. Add users, reset passwords, manage groups, contact support, and view domain setting changes. Some of its features include:
  •  User Management Features - Add/Edit user, Suspend user, Restore user, Delete user, Reset password
  • Group Management Features - Add/Edit Group, Add members, Email all members, Delete group, View group members
  • Audit Logs - Review Audit logs, Filter logs by admin, date ranges and event types
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