Sabtu, 13 September 2014

Free Facebook Templates to Use in Class

September 13, 2014
Here is a neat tool that you can use with your students in class to teach a variety of topics. This tool is called Fakebook which is a web application created by Russel Tarr that simulates Facebook profiles. Using Fakebook, students will be able to virtually construct simulated Facebook profiles of historical figures,  chart the plot of a book, the development of a character, a series of historical events, the debates and relationships between people, and so on!

Faekbook is easy and simple to use. It also has a student friendly interface that students will enjoy working on.  To start using Fakebook, you simply need to enter a name at the top of the page, then proceed to add friends, posts, comments and profile information. You can also save your work and edit it later. Check out this page to see some of the ways others have been using Fakebook.

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