Senin, 01 September 2014

Teachers Handbook on Creative Commons and Copyright

September 1, 2014
Integrating technology in your classroom is not only about knowing the technicalities part of the process, it is also, most importantly, about knowing how and what to do with that technology. Issues of copyright and  proper use of digital materials always comes to the forefront in such discussions and teachers usually face serious problems concerning the legality of the digital materials they use from the net. To clear out some of the confusion surrounding copyright in education, I created a section entitled " Copyright Resources for Teachers" where teachers can have access to a wide variety of copyright tutorials, guides, tips and tools.

Today, I am adding another excellent resource on copyright. This is a handbook created by Emily Puckett and Kristin Fontichiaro entitled " Shared Creations: making Use of Creative Commons". In this handbook, you will get to learn:

  •  the meaning of copyright
  •  the different licenses of CC and how to choose each
  •  how to give credit when you use digital materials
  •  how to find Creative Commons materials for your class.

I learned about this resource from  "What is Creative Commons and Why Does It Matter?". This handbook is available in free PDF format from this link.

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