Selasa, 09 September 2014

Awesome Chromebook Comparison Chart for Schools and Teachers

September 10, 2014
Chromebooks are a very good and cheap solution for integrating tech particularly in schools running 1:1 programs. The great thing about Chromebooks is not only their lightweight but also their simplicity and practical performance features. Several school districts, particularly in this new school year, are opting for them. So if you or your school is planning to use them, you will probably need to see this collection of excellent video tutorials that provide a general overview of the different features and functionalities embedded in Chromebooks.

There is also this wonderful comparison chart created by software developer Danny Tuppeny in which he compares a set of variables for choosing the right Chromebook for you. These variables include :"brand, processors, specs and features like RAM or touchscreens, screen size, country-wise availability, battery, weight and more." 
Click here to access the full version of this chart.

Courtesy of Life Hacker

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