Rabu, 10 September 2014

3 Things Every Student Should Be Able to Do On Google Presentation

September 10, 2014
Google Presentation is one of the powerful presentation tools that students can use to easily create and share slideshows. Its simplicity and its practical performance features makes it an ideal tool for using in class. Besides the different guides and tutorials I published on Google Presentation, today I decided to sketch out 3 main things every student should be able to do. To this end, I am drawing on Susan Oxnevad 's videos that are included in this wonderful interactive ThingLink. Enjoy

1- Using the research tool in Presentations
Google Presentation has a built-in research tool that students can use to conduct a Google search without having to leave the page. They can also narrow down their search to look for only images, scholarly articles, quotes or anything else. Watch Susan's video to learn more about how students can use this integrated research tool to construct their knowledge.

2- Insert a Youtube video into Google Presentations
Videos can also be part of the content of the presentations students create on Google Presentation. There are two ways to insert a video in the presentation. The first one is through doing a YouTube search from within the presentation and the second one is by providing the URL of the YouTube video. Watch this video to learn more on how to insert a video in Google Presentation.

3- Insert an image in a Google Presentation
Students can easily insert images into their presentations using Google's search tool. The good thing about this service is that it helps students look for copyright friendly images. Watch this video to learn how you can use this tool.

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