Minggu, 07 September 2014

8 Great Tips for Maintaining Good Communication with Parents

September 7, 2014
One of the primary things you need to work on especially during these first weeks of school is setting up an agenda or a plan of work on how you want to go about communicating with the parents of your students. This plan should include things such as objectives behind such communication, how often do you want to communicate with them, strategies and digital platforms you want to use to maintain such communication, other parties you want to include in this communication..etc.

 In an earlier post published here in EdTech and Mlearning, I reviewed 3 main web tools that teachers can use for free to communicate with parents. Two of these web tools (ClassDojo and Remind) enable teachers to exchange text messages with students parents without their numbers being revealed. Today, I am sharing with you 8 excellent tips to ensure an effective communication with parents. These tips are included in the visual below.
  • Focus on the positive not just the negative
  • Involve the student in communicating with their parents
  • Be consistently in touch, not just when things are bad
  • Livestream or Skype when needed
  • Use technology: text, email, and more
  • Ask parents their opinions
  • Collaborate: find some common ground
  • Bring parents into school. Get them involved

tips for communicating with parents

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