Minggu, 20 Juli 2014

Excellent Periodic Table of Visualizations for Teachers

July, 2014
There are a variety of forms in which visual representation is materialized. Knowing these forms will enable you to diversify the visual channels through which you communicate information to your students. To this end, I am sharing with you this wonderful periodic table that features different visualization methods. When you Hover your mouse on any of the boxes in this periodic table, a pop-up picture will be displayed showing the name and a sample of the visualization.

According to this periodic table shared by Visual Literacy, visualizations are divided into  6 categories:

Data Visualization
Data visualization includes:
  • Continuums
  • Tables
  • Cartesian coordinates
  • Pie chats
  • Line charts
  • Bar charts
  • Area charts
  • Histogram
  • Scatterplot
  • Tukey box plot
  • Spectogram
Information visualization
Information visualization includes:
  • Radar chart cobweb
  • Parallel coordinates
  • Hyperbolic tree
  • Cycle diagram
  • Timeline
  • Clustering
  • Flow chart
  • Petri net
  • Entity relationship diagram
  • Information lense
  • Sankey diagram
  • Data map
  • Treemap
  • Cone tree
  • Data flow diagram
  • Semantic network
Concept visualization
Concept visualization includes:
  • Mindmap
  • Square of oppositions
  • Concentri cirlces
  • Argument slide
  • Swim lane diagram
  • Gantt diagram
  • Perspectives diagram
  • Dilemma diagram
  • Concept map
  • Concept fan
  • Critical path method
  • Decision tree
  • Toulmin map
  • Cause-effect chains
  • Minto pyramide technique
  • Layer chart
  • Soft system modelling
  • Synergy map
  • Force field map
  • ibis argumentation map
  • Process event chains
  • Pert chart
  • Evocative knowledge map
  • Vee diagram
  • Concept skeleton
  • Flight plan
  • Communication diagram
  • Meeting trace
Metaphor visualization
Metaphor visualization includes:
  • Metro map
  • Temple
  • Story template
  • Tree
  • Bridge
  • Funnel
  • Parameter ruler
  • Iceberg
  • Heaven 'n' hell chart
Compound visualization
Compound visualization includes:
  • Graphic facilitation
  • Cartoon
  • Rich picture
  • Knowledge map
  • Learning map
  • Infomural
Strategy visualization
Strategy visualization includes:
  • Supply demand curve
  • Performance charting
  • Strategy map
  • Organization chart
  • House of quality
  • Failure tree
  • magic quadrant
  • Life-cycle diagram
  • Porter's five forces
  • s-cucle
  • Stakeholder map
  • Ishikawa diagram
  • Technology roadmap
  • Spray diagram
  • Taps
  • Hype-cycle
  • Value chain
  • Strategy canvas
  • Bcg matrix
  • DecisiĆ³n discovery diagrama
  • Affinity diagram
  • Zwicky's morphological box
  • Strategic game board
  • Portfolio diagram
  • Edgeworth box

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