Sabtu, 12 Juli 2014

A Wonderful Poster on Failure

July13, 2014
I have always believed that teachers (and people in general) MUST have an open midset; one that tolerates and celebrates mistakes and errors; one that looks at failure as an opportunity for a better beginning. It is through falling down that we stand up robust and it is through misfortunes that we gather our strength to live the life we want and pursue our dreams.

If we want to raise up socially and  emotionally strong students who can face up and overcome  the hardships of life, an important key to this is to teach (and model) them about failure. We need to show them that failure is a healthy sign and a good omen for a healthy life experience. They need to view failure as an attempt for deep reflection and meditation about what worked or did not work. They also need to be reminded that failure has been a common denominator behind most of the historical achievements and inventions in the history of humankind.

At 30 years old, Steve Jobs was left devastated and depressed after being removed from the company he started. Few years after this,  Steve came back stronger than ever and spearheaded a team of engineers to create and launch a series of hand-held devices (iPod, iPhone, iPad) that transformed the mobile technology and human life forever. Steve Jobs is only one example among many that shows how failure can be the impetus for  groundbreaking achievements.

This awesome visual from themetapicture features other examples of popular figures who built their fame and achievement through failure. Share this visual with students and inspire them to never give up their dreams.

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