Jumat, 25 April 2008

April Programme now also includes open Hitwise workshop

The key question for this month's Digital Editors Network meeting, as well the Journalism Leaders Forum on 29 April, is pretty straightforward: Where's the money?

To help us get some answers (and to phrase some more nuanced questions), we've lined up speakers from inside and outside the mainstream media. Here's un update on the programme:

Venue: Room 273, Greenbank Building, University of Central Lancashire in Preston. (Directions).

Parking: Several car parking spaces have been booked on the visitors' car park in front of the Foster Building. Participants who want to make use of these need to report to the attendant and say they are for the Digital Editors Network - he will show them where to park. (Of course, the venue is only a 10-minute walk from the train station.)


1-45pm - Registration & buffet lunch. (name tags are being provided following feedback from last meeting)
1:45-2:30pm - Peter Boler, head of digital sales at Manchester Evening News
2:30-3:15pm - Rick Waghorm, founder of myfootballwriter.com
break & coffee (15min)
3:30-4:15pm - Update from members, kicked off by Andy Dickison, who was recently invited to speak at DNA2008 in Brussles. If you'd like to contribute here, let me know.
4:45pm - move to Greenbank Lecture Theatre
4:30-5:15pm - Mapping the Digital Media Landscape - Anton Grutzmacher of Hitwise will give an exclusive update on what's happening to regional and national media audiences online. (This session is open and we'll be joined by the Trinity Mirror delegates on the Leaders
Programme and others)
5:15-6pm networking reception in Greenbank foyer
6pm - 9th Journalism Leaders Forum. Chris Anderson, editor of Wired magazine and author of seminal work "The Long Tail" will be joining the discussion, which will also be webcast live. See the Forum blog for the latest.

There is no cost for the events, which are being sponsored by the Journalism Leaders Programme of the Department of Journalism at UCLan.

Further details about DEN: Nick Turner, nturner@cngroup.co.uk, 07764 657037 .
To RSVP for the Forum & networking reception: leaders@uclan.ac.uk / 01772 894759

To stay in touch, join the DEN network on Facebook.

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