Rabu, 03 Oktober 2007

Join us on the 16th

THE next meeting of the Digital Editors' Network, at UCLan in Preston, will be focusing on what works in online publishing, getting the best out of video and how blogs and the established media can work together.
The Digital Editors’ Network is an initiative to enable sharing of best practice between journalists running media websites.
The three discussions will form part of the 7th Journalism Leaders Forum, on October 16, featuring the regional editorial director of Trinity Mirror Neil Benson, who is amongst the panelists considering the global impact of the local news business.
The schedule for the get together is:
1pm: Meet for spot of lunch
1.30pm: Video journalism - Q&ADiscussion led by Andy Dickinson, lecturer in digital journalism at UCLan, giving pointers on developing web content and topics such as using Youtube
2.45pm: How journalists can connect with the blogosphereDiscussion led by Craig McGinty covering topics such as setting up community blogs, staff blogs, enhancing blogs with widgets, etc
4pm: What works?Discussion led by Nick Turner, head of digital content for CN Group, with participants passing on the best ideas for increasing online traffic from the last 12 months.
5.15pm: Forum drinks reception – a chance to network in the Greenbank Building
6pm: Journalism Leaders Forum. Panelists include Neil Benson, Trinity editorial director, and crowd-sourcing advocate Jay Rosen.
The afternoon talks will be very much in the style of an open discussion, with the use of an internet connection to highlight features and examples and so letting people share their own insights and observations.The Digital Editors’ Network discussions are free to attend. To book a place and get full venue details please email Nick Turner at nturner@cngroup.co.uk

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