Rabu, 18 April 2007

  • Hi

    I am hoping to use the next Journalism Leaders seminar on May 15th as an opportunity to kick-start the idea of a Digital Editors’ Network.

    Just to recap the aims of the Digital Editors’ Network are:
    To provide an online community for journalists involved in running media websites
    Facilitate discussion between digital editors and encourage sharing of best practice/tips, etc
    Allow digital editors to access the expertise at the University of Central Lancashire’s journalism department

    I hope we could have an opportunity for an informal discussion about how best to take forward this idea on May 15th at UCLAN.

    At 6pm The Journalism Leaders Forum discussion will include Nick Jaspen (North West Enquirer and now How To website), Eamonn Carey of the mobile media start-up, Random Thoughts Media, and Robin Hamman. More details at http://journalismleadersforum.blogspot.com

    It’s an open invite and I would be grateful if anyone interested in a discussion about the Digital Editors’ Network beforehand would get in touch soon (UCLan have offered a room).

Please let me know if you will be able to make it and any suggestions you have for taking the Digital Editors’ Network forward.

I have already had some encouraging support from regional and national journalists and can report back on this on May 15th.

Nick Turner
07764 657037

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