Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

#SoLoMoDEN Recap

Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

CEOs from the World Newsmedia Network and Aetopia join the Winter meeting line-up

The great line-up for the Digital Editors Network Winter meeting and Media and Digital Enterpriser (MADE) project launch on Thursday, February 23, just got even better.

World Newsmedia Network CEO Martha Stone  will be also be joining us to present key findings from the just-released World Newsmedia Innovation Study 2012  and Aetopia CEO Aidan McGrath will be speaking on “Making money from your digital assets”. The updated programme is below.

We are also pleased to confirm that we’ve been able to secure a slightly larger venue at the Digital World Centre at The Lowry (MediaCityUK tram stop, parking at Lowry Outlet Mall), so 20 additional spaces for #SoLoMoDEN can now be booked at here  (If you want to know who else has already signed up, scroll down).

The programme of discussions on  Social, Local and Mobile Innovations is:

12:45 Registration and lunch
13:45 Welcome: Nick Turner, Head of Digital Content for the CN Group and a co-founder of DEN.
13:55 MarthaStone  on the key findings of the third annual World Newsmedia Innovation Study (formerly the World News Future & Change Study), conducted in partnership with researchers at the School of Journalism, Media and Communications at UCLan, UK, and the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) at Columbia University, US.  
14:25 François Nel on the how local newspapers are doing on the 4Cs of mobile news - content, channels, content and commerce – and why they’re in danger of making some grave errors.
14:55 Sarah Hartley on how news innovators can use the Guardian Media Group’s nOtice.com platform for local content, communities and commerce.
15:25 Aidan McGrathon making money from your digital assets.
15:30 Coffee / Tea break
15:50 Paul Bradshaw) on opportunities for news enterprises to co-create content through new HelpMeInvestigateinitiatives.
16:20 Greg Hadfield on how the rise of open-data cities is giving local media a chance to re-invent themselves – and why it could be their last lifeline. 
Wrap up 17:00ish.
Networking reception 
17:30ish Launch of the Media And Digital Enterprise (MADE) project, winner of the International Press Institute's News Innovation Contest sponsored by Google.
Reception continues until 19:00.

This event is co-sponsored by Aetopia, which  specialises in building scalable software solutions for Digital Asset Management, and the University of Central Lancashire, home to the UK's oldest journalism programme.

 Since 2007, the Digital Editors Network has worked to link media innovators, whether they work inside, outside or alongside mainstream media organisations. You can connect with DEN by liking our Facebook page,  joining our Linkedin group , or following us on Twitter @DENupdates or our blog.

If you'd like to contribute ideas, speak, host, sponsor or collaborate on a future DEN meetup or workshop, contact the convenors Nick Turner nick.turner@cumbrian-newspapers.co.uk or François Nel FPNel@uclan.ac.uk  . #solomoden