Kamis, 17 September 2009

Autumn 2009 meeting; paywalls and partnerships

Speakers from Microsoft, the Press Association, WAN-IFRA, The Guardian and The Journalism Leaders Programme at UCLan will consider paywalls and partnerships at the next meeting of the Digital Editors' Network on 29th October 2009 in Preston.

Spaces for this free event, which is hosted by the Lancashire Evening Post, are extremely limited, so please reserve your DEN seat here soonest. [Update 25/09/2009: All spaces for the afternoon sessions have been reserved, but there are still tickets available for the networking reception at 5pm and the Forum that follows. Reserve your Forum seat here. The next DEN sessions are planned for 25 February and 29 April 2010]

13:00 DEN Registration & networking lunch at the Lancashire Evening Post. [Those planning to arrive by train and wanting to share a taxi from the station, please post a comment here with your ETA in Preston]

13:45 Welcome Nick Turner, the CN Group's head of digital content development.
13:50 Where else is the money? François Nel, director of the Journalism Leaders Programme, presents some highlights from a two-year research project into the online revenue models of news publishers in Britain’s 66 cities.
14:10 Peter Bale, MSN. What does MSN Local’s partnership proposal mean for regional publishers?
14:50 Sarah Hartley, digital editor, The Guardian, on partnerships for innovation.
15:30 Break
15:45 Tony Johnston, Press Association, on teaming up with Trinity Mirror to report on local government and public bodies in Liverpool.
16:30 Wrap up.
16:45 Transfer to UCLAN campus

17:00 Drinks & networking reception - Greenbank Building foyer
18-19:15 13th Journalism Leaders Forum, Pay Walls – build em, break em - or look beyond them?
Gordon Crovitz, former publisher of the Wall Street Journal and co-founder with Steven Brill of the online content e-commerce start-up Journalism Online.
Martha Stone, director of the Shaping the Future of the Newspaper project, World Association of Newspapers –IFRA
Robert Andrews, UK Editor, paidContent.com
Frédéric Filloux, co-author of the Monday Note blog and editor for the international division of the Norwegian media group Schibsted ASA.
Chair: François Nel.

The free event will also be Webcast live.

For addtional programme details, contact Nick Turner at Nick.Turner@Cumbrian-Newspapers.co.uk or François Nel at FPNel@uclan.ac.uk